A Trip to Kickstarter: What Can You Learn from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Zucklight’?

Charles Obutte M.B.A
4 min readApr 16, 2021

What if you see a concept you like and will like to invest in it for profit, even if you are not an inventor? I guess this may sound interesting to some.

Also, what if you are a creator and need some motivation or fresh inspiration as regards that idea you’ve been thinking about for some time? Then I also guess you may find this article very rewarding as well.

So, it’s time to share with everyone, an exciting experience I recently had visiting kickstarter.com.

What took me there you may ask?

Well very recently, I have been having the thought of creators as well as potential creators experiencing creator’s block just like writers having writer’s block.

Somehow, I started having this feeling there is something I could do to help out here, and that’s when I came across this article titled: 10 Famous inventions that were the culmination of people’s work.

For me, it was more like an eye opener!

“Galileo wasn’t actually the first to invent a telescope? …. wait a minute, really?”, “Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb? Are you serious?”

I started thinking again. What if there is a creator’s work out there that could be…



Charles Obutte M.B.A

As regards business, technology, music, name it, I believe the beautiful ones are not yet born out there, and so I help to create and flourish them.