Blueberry Stores, Inc.

Charles Obutte M.B.A
2 min readDec 27, 2020

“Hey, we’re hiring new people”

This is the second of the series titled: Blueberry Stores, Inc., which is centered on sharing best practices used in business environments, brought to you with a blend of creative writing. Happy reading!

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

“You care for another cup of coffee?”, asked John, one of the human resource persons at the live hiring event conducted in the Blueberry store location on Curry street.

“Sure”, replied Nneka, who was also one of the resource persons at the event.

“Can I share something with you?”, continued John

“Sure, why not”, she replied.

“There is this guy I interviewed for one of the associate positions”, he paused for a while and continued, “He’s a newbie in sales.”

“You mean he doesn’t have any sales experience?”, she asked

“Correct, he doesn’t have any sales experience, but he sounded very excited and optimistic about not failing us if offered the position”.

“Optimistic? Hmm”, she spoke reflectively.

“Yeah optimistic. What do you have to say?”, he asked

“Maybe we can give him a trial and see how he does on the job”, she replied

“I’ve been thinking so as well”, he said.

Business-related thought: In the mid-80s, Met Life Insurance conducted a hiring process with the outcome showing that people who are optimistic can outperform their counterparts who are less optimistic but have better work credentials and experience in the field of sales.

Please let me know your thoughts.



Charles Obutte M.B.A

As regards business, technology, music, name it, I believe the beautiful ones are not yet born out there, and so I help to create and flourish them.