Blueberry Stores, Inc.

Charles Obutte M.B.A
2 min readJan 13, 2021

“Oops!…..Get an ambulance!”

This is the third of the series titled: Blueberry Stores, Inc., which is centered on sharing best practices used in business environments, brought to you with a blend of creative writing. Happy reading!

Photo by Jonnica Hill on Unsplash

Seeing what happened, Mark, one of the store associates who was working his afternoon shift in the Blueberry store location along McVee road, quickly went to look for Josh, one of his superiors there.

Sighting him from a distance, Mark said worriedly, “a customer just fell on the floor in the J wing section of the store”

“What?”, exclaimed Josh. “Did you call 911 for an ambulance?”

“Stacey already did that”, replied Mark.

“I think he slipped and fell because of the wet floor due to the routine cleaning of one of the janitors, I forgot her name”.

When they arrived the scene, some EMS personnel where already there to help the customer, who had already sustained an arm injury, get into the ambulance parked at the entrance of the store.

Josh also saw the caution sign put by the janitor there that was conspicuous to see which clearly read, “CAUTION! WET FLOOR”.

Business-related thoughts: Under business law, negligence can be understood as a failure to behave with the level of care…



Charles Obutte M.B.A

As regards business, technology, music, name it, I believe the beautiful ones are not yet born out there, and so I help to create and flourish them.